Sunday, October 3, 2010

All I need, is someone to save me 'cause I am going down.

I'm scared that my last relationship only existed because I resembled the person he was really in love with. I'm scared that I'm still getting over it. I'm scared that I'm alone again and what that will mean to my mental processes. I'm scared that I'm working in retail again. I'm scared that I'm not moving. I'm scared that my parents will use all the money. I'm scared I'm spending too much of it. I'm scared that I don't have savings in my account. I'm scared that I won't make it to uni.
I'm scared that I've started getting chest pains again and I'm scared that I can't fix them.
I'm scared to wake up if I have nothing planned for the day. I'm scared of myself when I'm by myself. I don't know what I'll do. Is that a wrong reason to want someone?

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