Saturday, March 10, 2012

This fucking generation. My fucking generation.

People are so quick to judge and put things in the 'wrong' basket. On impluse they'll reject everything until it's proven to be safe and then crawl out from their caves and accept it. Of course I'm talking about the 'Kony' situation.

I understand what the guy is trying to do and believe it or not, he's fucking succeeded whether it was in the way he intended or not. Perhaps it was his plan all along. As soon as the video came out everyone started attacking it, right down to grammar and superflous incorrect pieces of information.

It's almost as it some people are so fucking scared of being 'wrong' or 'left wing' that they would prefer to be harsh judges than active, thoughtful, individual citizens. God forbid you are ridiculed on the internet or thought of as 'weird' because you support a cause that others see unfit. Fuck them.

The guy that has organised Kony 2012 was intending to get the crimes of Kony recognised, get his name in the news and make it a global matter that Kony is stopped. You know what the stuck-up-starbuck-drinking-apple-iPad users are saying? That the information is incorrect, the Children Soldiers aren't attacking Uganda and haven't been for 5 years,  they've moved to other countries and the attacks have decreased in ubiquity and severity. That, in my way of thinking, is a fucking stupid thing to point out. The point of the movement wasn't to 'educate everyone in the world on the location of Uganda as well as get MORE armed forces into the country' the purpose was to 'get Kony famous and make the U.S GOVERNMENT realise that it is an important, relevant issue of which the funding should not be cut or decreased. He is not asking for a war in Uganda he is pleading to the people to make sure the governments know that Kony must be stopped and that can't happen if the government doesn't realise that millions of people care about it and will be ropeable if Kony is left to continue his horrible crimes.

Another point the anti-Kony 2012 clan made was the the funding that was donated was not entirely spent on the Ugandan people, most of it went to advertising material. Again, I see nothing wrong with this. I don't recall, after watching the video, hearing that the money I pledged would be used solely to help those who have been injured or otherwise affected by attacks from the LRA. The organisation wasn't set up as a charity for 'Victims of the LRA', it was set up to get people to get Kony's name out there. To get people to recognise the types of crimes that are being committed under the dark veil of TV commercialisation. And IT FUCKING WORKED. So if I had organised this whole thing and had people complaining that I had a few facts wrong and blah this and blah that but they now knew Kony's name... I would have succeeded and that's all that matters. Soon the governments will become interested with the hype the internet has created and the massive segregationg that has formed as people argue the integrity of the whole thing.

The bottom line is, if you're still reading, that Kony will be stopped, which ever country he is in, with what ever dwindling army he has left. So fuck the haters. :)

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