Sunday, November 20, 2011


I love cars. I appreciate their power, the aesthetics. I like to look at them, I like to drive them. Cars help everyone get around.

But the minute you let a total idiot get behind a Holden Statesman fully tricked out with big wheels and blinding chrome they think they're a god. I don't appreciate cars like that right up my arse, with their big V8 engine revving, trying to make me break the law for them. How about you take your big engine and shut it up your pee hole. I've had a fucking banana smoothie thrown at my car, I've been blocked from turning onto my street by wankers, I've been tooted at and given the finger because I obey the road rules and because my car is small. No, my four straight cylinders can't match your V8, but I'm not the one going to total my car trying to show how fucking powerful I am to the 'common' folk. And when you try to overtake me and you're on the other side of the road I'm going to speed up... because I'm a whore like that. Spite is my weapon. I hope one day I'll make someone have a head on collision. The less cock heads spreading their genes around, the better, really. :)

I don't fucking get why people think they own the road. If someone is going slower than the speed limit I'll let the know kindly to speed the fuck up. But when I'm doing the speed limit and on the verge of losing my licence I don't want some arrogant wog with this rip off brand name sunnies and blonde, bimbo trophy wife screaming abuse at me (which I can't hear) through my rear vision mirror.

Back the fuck off my arse. Swear to god everyone will feel better.

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