Friday, December 2, 2011

It's the end of the world as we know it.

I don't want to work until I die. I want to travel, I don't want to do someone else's dirty work, I want to wake up in a different place each week. I want to find the best town in Australia and move there but if I'm working full time when am I going to get to do that?

When do we find time to be ourselves and live? And breathe? I want to experience ... things. Not because life is short and all that bullshit. Because the world is ending, one continent at a time and I want to fucking be happy for once. For one god damned year I want to not freak out about the future.

Living each day in the moment sounds brilliant but it's easier said than done. You can't just waltz off and buy a plane ticket to Italy tomorrow without some repercussion.

I've been thinking, lately, about how the world would be if I ruled it. Let me tell you, it would be fucking amazing. No money. No CEOs. It'd be closer to an amish community than the world as we know it now. I just wish people would calm the fuck down. Smoke some weed if that's what kills the motor. Maybe that's why I'm still alive, I want to save the world.

One person at a time.

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