Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I feel like a giant living in a gnome's house.

I feel like a prisoner in my own home. Because my parents don't want anything to do with me and I'm confined to me room. There is nothing else of mine in any other room in the house. My room is all I have. 21 years of existence and it's all in a 3x3 room. Cramped in here. I've lost things and found things.

I'm losing track of everything.

I'm getting sad again.

I was pushed away by a person I stupidly assumed cared about me. My parents aren't really speaking to me because they're wrapped up in their own lives. I feel so, so very neglected at the moment and the only people that could possible fix it are unable to. Or unwilling to.

Bianca fights the world on her own as usual. No one by her side.

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